Praise indeed! Thanks to our friends at London Cycle Chic for their great review of our “devilishly handsome” Churchill Balloon gents bicycle.
Matt Smith, the official Cyclechic chap has been taking it for a regular spin around the busy streets of London. The London Cycle Chic reviewsays that Churchill Balloon “feels smooth, solid, expensive.”
Creating the perfect riding experience is what drives Velorbis and our Churchill Balloon gents bike certainly scores top marks.
According to London Cycle Chic, Velorbis Churchill Balloon is “about as far away from bog-standard as you can get. Riding it actually makes you feel different, somehow improved, enhanced, actually pretty cool….when I ride around London Town on my Velorbis I get looked at, pointed at, talked to, admired, even revered. That is a pretty remarkable effect when you think about it, for what is after all only a bike (I’m not vain or stupid enough to think it has anything to do with me by the way). And it’s the main reason I love it and recommend it to all the people who stop me and ask me about it.“
Velorbis loves London. It’s great to hear that Londoners also love Velorbis and that Churchill Balloon is bringing a touch of chilled, chic, cycling style to its streets.
Read the London Cycle Chic review of Velorbis Churchill Balloon in full and view other interesting news from this cool and inspirational street style blog.